Frequently asked questions

Got questions? I’ve got answers.

  • We offer telehealth services throughout Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. This allows you to access support conveniently from your preferred location.

  • No, all of our sessions will be conducted through a HIPPA-compliant platform.

  • We operate on an out-of-network basis. This means that while we do not bill your insurance company directly, most clients are able to use their insurance coverage for reimbursement. You pay for sessions upfront, and we provide you with a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company. Depending on your plan, clients typically receive between 50-80% of the session cost reimbursed.

  • During your first session, we’ll focus on getting to know each other and discussing your goals for therapy. This session is an opportunity to share what brought you here, explore your concerns, and set expectations for our work together. We’ll review your history, talk about any challenges you’re facing, and begin to outline a plan tailored to your needs. The goal is to create a safe, supportive space where you feel comfortable and understood

  • The length of time you spend in therapy depends on your unique goals, needs, and circumstances. Some clients find that short-term therapy, lasting a few months, is sufficient to address specific issues or challenges. Others benefit from longer-term therapy to explore deeper patterns, gain lasting insights, or manage ongoing concerns.

    During our initial sessions, we can discuss your goals and regularly check in on your progress to ensure therapy continues to meet your needs. Ultimately, the decision about how long to stay in therapy is yours, and we will work together to determine what feels right for you

  • A Good Faith Estimate (GFE) is a document that provides you with a clear outline of the expected costs of your therapy sessions. As required by the No Surprises Act, it ensures transparency by detailing the anticipated fees for services based on the information available at the time of scheduling.

    Keep in mind that the GFE is an estimate, not a binding agreement, so actual costs may vary depending on factors like the number of sessions or additional services you may choose. If you have any questions or need clarification about your Good Faith Estimate, we’re happy to assist you

Have more questions? Ready to get started?

Get in touch.